
Small Business Grant Announcement

by | May 13, 2024 | Business Community

Deadline is Friday, May 31

The Rowan Chamber of Commerce is pleased to partner with the City of Salisbury on a new small business assistance grant.

“We are very excited about this new small business grant that the City of Salisbury recently approved.” said Chamber President Elaine Spalding. She continued, “It’s a $30,000 pilot program for existing businesses within the city limits of Salisbury. The grant application will go live on the Chamber’s website at the trade show.”

Small businesses will have until Fri., May 31, 2024, to submit their grant applications. The Chamber has a volunteer task force ready to select the grant recipients and encourages Salisbury businesses with less than 10 employees to apply.

The purpose of the Rowan Chamber’s Small Business Assistance Grant pilot program is to strengthen and grow established businesses within the City of Salisbury. By making these grants available, the Chamber is fulfilling its mission of driving economic stability, diversity, and growth in our community. Accessibility to funding contributes to the strength and effectiveness of the entrepreneurial ecosystem which in turn supports and nurtures small businesses. The Chamber recognizes the value of entrepreneurism/small businesses who bring innovation, quality of life, jobs, and investment to the community.

Businesses who receive funding through this program will be those who bring innovation and therefore have a unique competitive edge. They must be good corporate citizens and are encouraged to support their employees and other locally owned businesses. Applicants are not required to be Rowan Chamber investors (members) in order to participate. Since the funding is coming from the City of Salisbury, applicants must operate their business within the City of Salisbury limits. Since there are already a number of downtown business grants, this small business grant is designed to focus on priority corridors outside of downtown, for example: West End, South Main St. & West Innes St.


Small business grant overview:

  • Businesses located in City of Salisbury limits with 10 or fewer employees (or full time equivalent).
  • They must be a legal entity and registered with the NC Secretary of State and have appropriate permits to operate.
  • They must submit a quality business plan (FREE assistance available from RCCC Small Business Center)
  • Grant funds may be used for a fixed asset utilized for the business or permanent improvements to physical space (examples: manufacturing equipment, lawnmower, vacuum cleaner, building signage, lighting, awnings, flooring)
  • Grant funds may NOT be used for ongoing operational expenses (examples: rent, utilities, salaries, financing debt, inventory, memberships, legal fees)
  • Grant requests may range from $5,000 – $10,000.

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