
Tag: cheerwine

Pops at the Post Comes Home

This year’s concert on Sept. 11, will “Remember, Recognize and Rejoice,” remembering the 20th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, recognizing all the health care workers “who have so arduously fought the pandemic, and rejoicing over the opening of Bell Tower Green,” says Maestro David Hagy, who will conduct the performance, now in its 17th year.

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Forward to the Future: Taking a Look at AgBioScience

Rowan County knows its food! Blessed with abundant water supplies from creeks and rivers and good soil in much of the county, our county thrives on and celebrates its long history of farming. Nowhere is that more evident in mid-summer than a drive through western Rowan, where fields of tall green corn meet each other, covering the landscape.

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When Railway Towns Embrace Street Art

Rowan County is not only a convergence of major interstates, but it also has a railway junction. What’s a better canvas than an old rail car? Keep a lookout throughout Rowan County to spot some of the most beautiful pieces that local artists have shared with us.

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