
Tag: health

How You Can Be in Control of COVID and Flu

How do we keep from getting flu and/or COVID?
The same principles apply to both flu and COVID, and that is to begin by being as healthy as possible so that your immune system can help you. Maintaining an appropriate body weight, eating healthy foods, and staying physically active are critical to your body performing the way it is built to perform.

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Are You Already Sick of Winter?

If you experience seasonal affective disorder, you’re not alone — it affects around 1 in 20 adults in the United States and many of the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder are similar to other forms of depression. The difference is that SAD symptoms always begin at a certain time of year and go away when the seasons change again.

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How to Eat Healthy if Fast Food is your Option

Deciding what is healthiest for you may differ from person to person depending on your dietary preferences. If you are counting calories you might choose one option, but if you are counting carbohydrates you might choose another. Looking through the guide was interesting and provided a wide range of options.

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